Genealogical research and family trees
There comes a point in most of our lives when we begin to think about our roots and wish to find out who were the people who gave us life. In addition to an overview of our services, the following text will also serve as a guide that will take you through the beginning of our common journey against the flow of time. Don't hesitate to contact us even if you have unusual requirements. Thanks to our experience, we will find the best possible solution for you.
Family trees
Preparing a standard family tree involves searching and processing registry records that contain basic personal information about your ancestors (names, dates of birth, marriage and death, religion, occupation, residence and cause of death). Based on these we will create a family chart and family book for you containing clearly sorted and interpreted information together with copies of the documents found. The result can be presented in
a variety of forms according to your wishes. We take an individual approach to each client. If you do not choose one from our standard offer, we will be happy to prepare a tailor-made solution for you.
Genealogical research of individual persons
If you want to enrich your family's story with additional facts about your ancestors, we can identify and explore archival fonds that promise to provide significantly more information beyond basic registry records. For example, we can search for information on education, military service, serfdom, political attitudes and public offices, property ownership, business, travel, health, or even ancestors' crimes or misdemeanors, etc. Research can be focused on individual selected persons about whom you want to learn more without ordering the family tree.
Verification of family legends
In many families there are stories about their relationship to celebrities or nobility, or about the heroism of their ancestors during the war or in the resistance, etc. We will be happy to verify this information for you in the fastest and cheapest way possible, without the need to process the family tree.
Search for bereaved of the deceased
For persons with a proven legal interest, we carry out searches for the relatives of the deceased, e.g. for inheritance proceedings, etc.
Become a genealogist yourself
Learn the craft of genealogy under our expert guidance and find your ancestors yourself. We are happy to provide consultations for beginners and more advanced genealogists.
Visit the places where your ancestors lived
We will be happy to accompany you on a trip to the places where your ancestors lived and provide you with historical commentary.
Our services as a gift
Family trees or other services from our company can delight your loved ones at Christmas or on life anniversaries. However, their preparation requires enough time, which is sometimes unfortunately not enough. In this case, we can offer you a gift voucher for our services, which will allow you to gift your relatives or perhaps valued business partners in style and allow us enough time to work. We are happy to issue gift vouchers in English and for any amount, or for a specific service if you would prefer not to specify the price.
Nobody wants to buy a pig in a poke. It is therefore understandable that potential customers would like to see the results of our work in order to assess its standard. On the other hand, we are obliged to protect the privacy of our clients, only two of whom have agreed to disclose their identity, so we can give at least these two exceptions prove the rule.
For Mr. Pavel Zimmerhakl, we have traced back to the 17th century the history of the milling family from which he comes. In addition, during follow-up research we managed to find the place of death of his ancestor who disappeared on the Eastern Front during the World War I. The client wrote to us: "I have just read your report and must compliment you and your colleague. The report is very carefully written, readable and reminds me of my own profession of an auditor, which is essentially a combination of detective and analytical work."
For Mrs. Blanka Famfulíková we conducted research focused on one of her ancestors. She left a rather long review on our Google company profile, from which for brevity we select a sentence summarizing her assessment of our services. "Reliability, high level of expertise, promptness, honesty, helpfulness, empathy, clear and detailed organisation of findings and information, explanation, suggestion for further action..."
We would also like to present our largest family tree, which contains more than 300 ancestors of our client, who wishes to remain anonymous. The chart, printed on a special canvas, was customized by our graphic designers according to her wishes. It measures 6.5 metres in width, so we were unable to fully develop it in our furnished offices, and therefore could not get it all into the lens at once. The leather-bound book containing information about the client's ancestors, including transcripts and copies of retrieved records, is over 1,000 pages in size.